Abortions, Georgetown Hospital, and the 1960sThe reproductive justice framework centers access, not choice. The current legality of abortion does not mean that abortion services are...
Choice Week 2018!1. Monday, March 19th, 2018 - Catholics for Choice: Reproductive Justice is a Catholic Value We're excited to present the first event of...
Yet Another Legislative Attack on AbortionIn yet another attempt to devastate reproductive healthcare, House Republicans recently reintroduced the Pain-Capable Unborn Child...
Statement: University to Seek Divestment from Abortion ProvidersH*yas for Choice was excited to see that the hard work of GU Fossil Free has resulted in yesterday’s release of Georgetown’s Socially...
Statement: "Life Week" flag demonstrationHave you seen the flags around campus today marking the "deaths of babies" from abortion? Remember that lack of access to safe and legal...
"Just Two Teeny-Tiny Pills": The Power of Medication AbortionLet’s talk about medication abortion. It’s just two teeny, tiny pills, but the agency these pills grant is monumental, and every single...