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Yet Another Legislative Attack on Abortion
In yet another attempt to devastate reproductive healthcare, House Republicans recently reintroduced the Pain-Capable Unborn Child...

This Week in Trumpcare
A quick, informative breakdown on the proposed changes to federal healthcare policy from the H*yas for Choice Board What happened? For...

A Guide to Birth Control Coverage for Students of Religious Universities
Updated October 2017: If you are currently enrolled, or plan to enroll, in a health insurance plan through a religiously affiliated...

Statement: "Life Week" flag demonstration
Have you seen the flags around campus today marking the "deaths of babies" from abortion? Remember that lack of access to safe and legal...

"Just Two Teeny-Tiny Pills": The Power of Medication Abortion
Let’s talk about medication abortion. It’s just two teeny, tiny pills, but the agency these pills grant is monumental, and every single...

No Choice for Women of Color
This Saturday, the largest student-run pro-life conference in the country, the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, will be held here at...
The Asterisk*: Blog
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