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Sexual Assault Resources

Title IX Reports

To report an act of sexual misconduct to the University, to be handled through Georgetown's disciplinary procedures, you can file a Title IX report with the Office of Student Conduct. Through Title IX, you are entitled to protective measures and/or accommodations in areas such as housing, academics, and work.

Samantha Berner, Interim Title IX Coordinator
Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (IDEAA)
Phone: (202) 687-4798



Formal Reporting

Filing a formal report will begin a police investigation. You can file a formal report through the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD), the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), both, or neither. For more information on formal reporting, you can visit the University's guide.


(202) 687-4343




Semi-Confidential Resources

When notified of an act of sexual violence, semi-confidential resources are required to report to the University that the misconduct occurred - but not to release names or details about the parties involved.

LGBTQ Resource Center

Director: Shiva Subbaraman

325 Leavey Center
(202) 687-3546


Women's Center

327 Leavey Center

(202) 687-6359


Confidential Resources

Confidential resources are available for counseling, support, and help navigating your options. Talking to a confidential resource does not begin any kind of reporting or investigation process, and information shared with these resources will not be shared with anyone else.

Jennifer Wiggins, Assistant Director for Sexual Assault Response and Prevention

Health Education Services, Poulton Hall

(202) 687-8932


Jen Luettel Schweer, Director of Sexual Assault Response and Prevention

Health Education Services, Poulton Hall

(202) 687-0323

Medical and Off-Campus Resources

If you need medical attention, would like a medical exam, or want to speak to a crisis counselor following an act of sexual violence, you can use these resources at any time.

Washington Medstar Hospital

GUPD provides free transportation to Washington Medstar for all survivors. You can also request a free Uber to the hospital from DC SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners).


DC SANE Hotline

(800) 641-4028


DC Rape Crisis Center 24-Hour Hotline

(202) 333-RAPE


Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Services (GERMS)

(202) 687-0323


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