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Choice Week 2018!


1. Monday, March 19th, 2018 - Catholics for Choice: Reproductive Justice is a Catholic Value

We're excited to present the first event of Choice Week 2018: a discussion with Sonja Spoo, Domestic Program Associate at Catholics for Choice! What does it mean to be Catholic and pro-choice? Is there room for Catholics in the reproductive justice movement? Is there room for reproductive justice activists in the Catholic community? Who controls the assumed narrative of anti-choice Catholics and how can we change this? Join us as we explore the intersections of Catholic identity and reproductive justice!

2. Tuesday, March 20th - Maternal Mortality in the United States

The United States is the only high-income country in the world in which the maternal mortality rate is increasing. Despite a global trend in the opposite direction, this issue continues to affect women and people who become pregnant in the United States, particularly black and low-income women. Professor Myriam Vuckovic joins us to discuss the causes and implications of this tragic reality. Myriam Vuckovic is a Professor of International Health in Georgetown’s School of Nursing and Health Studies. Professor Vuckovic has previously worked at the German International Cooperation (GIZ) in Tanzania and spent three years as a Technical Advisor to the Tanzanian Government on HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health issues. Professor Vuckovic holds a D.Phil from the University of Kansas in American Studies and a M.Sc. in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Join us in White-Gravenor 204 for an important but often overlooked issue!

3. Wednesday, March 21st - Pro-Choice = Pro-Trans: A Teach-In

Right after Ben Shapiro (unsuccessfully) attempts to destroy transgenderism and abortion, attend a student-led teach-in about the intersections of the pro-choice and pro-trans movements. Covered topics will include: - How the two movements are connected - How to talk about reprojustice without being trans-exclusive - How to make your reprojustice activism trans-inclusive - What can be done locally to advance both causes

Join us in White-Gravenor 202 as we strive to make our repro justice movement inclusive and affirming!

4. Thursday, March 22nd - Reductress' Sarah Pappalardo on Satire and Social Justice

Our theme for this year’s Choice Week is unapologetic reproductive justice advocacy. How can we put a spotlight on issues and experiences that are often overlooked or marginalized within larger advocacy movements? We are extremely excited to announce that we are hosting Sarah Pappalardo, an esteemed queer woman comedian and writer, to discuss the role of media and satire in addressing systems of oppression (i.e. patriarchy, heterosexism, classism) in witty, yet meaningful ways. She is the co-founder and editor of Reductress and the co-writer of How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All--And Then Some! Reductress is a subversive, satirical women’s magazine whose readership exceeds 2.5 million visitors a month. This event is co-sponsored by: Georgetown University Lecture Fund, The Georgetown Heckler, United Feminists, GU College Democrats, and GU Pride.

Join us in White-Gravenor 201A!!

5. Friday, March 23rd - Abortion Story Share

H*yas for Choice's annual abortion story share is intended to normalize and destigmatize abortion care by uplifting the stories of those in our community who have chosen abortion. To close out this year's Choice Week, we will be anonymously reading stories submitted by members of the Georgetown community, as well as the 1 in 3 campaign.

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