I am a pro-choice Latina from Southern California. My life has been painted with depictions of strong women within my family and within my school halls. It was never a question for me whether or not my mother deserved the same opportunities as my father, regardless of our cultural norms. It was never a question for me whether or not my friend who identified as female deserved the same resources as her male counterpart.
When I was searching for schools, I heard that Georgetown did not offer contraceptive services due to its religious affiliation. Me, a junior in high school, did not think that much of it. I was so enamored with the idea of a beautiful school so far away from home that I could only think of one thing: getting in. Now, the reality of going to such an amazing school thrills me. However, I cannot shake the fact that our campus directly opposes a strong belief of mine, that everyone should have complete autonomy over their bodies.
It makes me uncomfortable to think that the very people who saw me fit for such a university could deny me the resources to keep myself sexually healthy. If I am able to get a free flu shot every year, if I am allowed to access mental health resources, I should be able to have easy and free access to condoms provided by my school. And if it should come to it, I should not be judged by my school if I need any type of emergency contraception or an abortion.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend Georgetown University. I just believe there are means by which to improve the quality of life for students on campus, and that begins with pushing against the university’s anti-choice stance. It is harmful and hypocritical to deliver a message of “care for the whole person” when that message is counteracted by anti-choice policies. How does that make sense?
The right to be in full command of one’s body should not be a privilege and access to proper reproductive health resources not only creates a happier campus, but a more inclusive and safe one as well. Until Georgetown’s policies change, there are resources available for the h*ya community. Look out for H*yas for Choice when you get onto campus, do your research on the student health center and what they offer, and know that healthcare providers like Planned Parenthood and carafem are always an option.
Simply put, I am pro-choice. I feel apprehensive attending such an impressive university where I know my body does not hold as much value as a man’s… or that of an embryo. However, I look forward to fighting alongside my fellow h*yas to create a healthier and more welcoming campus for all.